Tuesday 17 February 2009

Ex-UK PM B-liar Gets Israeli Leadershit Prize as Payoff

Former UK slime minister Phony Tony B-liar has been awarded a prestigious million-dollar Israeli prize as a payoff for his political conniving on their behalf on the world stage.

Phony Tony, a converted Catholic of convenience, currently impersonating a Middle East peace envoy, will receive the Desperate Dan Prize for his traitorous betrayal of British constitutional principles and steadfast determination in helping to engineer the success of Israeli - Zionist militarist expansionism goals. He is further recognised for his tireless efforts in forging the foundations of a lasting global conflict and sectarian hatred between the West and Pan-Islam.

The award is presented by the Desperate Dan Kosher Cow Pie Foundation, which is based at Tel Aviv’s Rothschild College of Culinary Delights.
Previous recipients include Abraham Zapruder, Jonathan Pollard, Larry Franklin and former US presidential numpty and environmental shyster Al Gore.

A spokesman for Mr B-liar said the money will be donated to the former Labour leader's favourite religious charity : the Cherie B-liar Benevolent Fund.

Mr Blair is an envoy of the International Quartet on the Middle East peace process, which comprises Iceland, Somalia, Tonga, Rwanda and North Korea.
His entry as a Desperate Dan Kosher Cow Pie laureate on the prize's website hails him as "one of Zion’s most successfully-manipulated goyim klutz’s of our era".

It praises his role and courageous leadershit in blaming the Zionist-Israeli WTC 9/11 false flag micro-nuke attacks on Al Qaeda, white-washing the David Kelly / WMD exposure murder inquiry, and his controversial decision to make the UK a guilty party to the illegal US invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.

The citation states: "Early in his Slime Ministership, he came to two beliefs that guide him today.”
“First, that it is a mistake for the world to wait for Zionist-controlled America to fuck the world up single-handedly, and second, that there are some things a sovereign state needs to do within its own borders that are justified, such as perpetrating the false flag 7/7/2005 London tube bombings and blaming them on a bunch of hapless Muslim Paki’ patsies, even if the actions only serve another nation's (Israel’s) interests."

The award will be presented in a symbolic ceremony of ritualised grand hypocrisy at the Tel Aviv Rothschild College in May with a celebrity-attended cow pie dinner.

B-liar’s preposterously phony peace envoy presence was noted as being conspicously absent from the conflict arena while Israeli storm troopers were decimating the population of Gaza and demolishing its entire infrastructure over the Christmas / New Year holiday period due his enjoying a vacation in the Egyptian resort of Sharm El Sheikh with French midget President Nicolas ‘Shortarse’ Teakozy.

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