Friday 15 September 2017

9/11: The War on Terror - 16 Years On

In today’s ‘9/11 False Flag Treason’ exposé edition we bring you the latest and greatest in scandal-mongering hot gossip from our Gates of Hell media correspondent, Charon the Greek, manning the live news cellphone hotline from the River Styx ferry terminal for Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – with 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand forged and crafted into razor-edged bespoke satire to tempt the palates of all budding anti-authoritarian non-conformists, proto-nihilists and career radical pro-justice revolutionaries who carry the immortal genetic Rh-Neg bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial.

Wow n no shit - how time flies! The 16th anniversary of the 9/11 false flag Islamic terrorist attack on the Great Satan fell on Monday last.
The NeoCon's wet dream Pearl Harbour Mk II realised – when the Project for the New American Century went into maximum overdrive with conjured black propaganda justification to cause neo-colonial havoc and mayhem across the Middle East and North Africa via aggressive military actions by the US and Israel and their Arab state proxies - to oust unfavourable regimes and install their own Zionist-friendly puppets – and balkanise the invaded countries into bite sized chunks through the tried n tested sectarian hatred of divide n conquer recipe – then seize control of their natural resources in the process (oil / gas, minerals, opium) – plus establish permanent geo-strategic US military bases.

Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Sudan (split 50 / 50), Yemen, Syria (not quite done yet – thanks to Russia), Egypt (regime change) - with Lebanon and Iran still to go – all of which will serve to establish the vastly-expanded boundaries of a Greater Israel.

But back to the sleight of hand legerdemain 9/11 con trick – the hand is faster than the eye, as the magicians say – and the common herd are suckered yet again into taking their collective eye off the ball by simple smoke n mirrors diversion techniques.
Holograms, crisis actor witness statements, non-existent controlled demolition explosions, Stevie Jones' more scent than substance nano-thermite theory – a litany of lies touted by a troop of traitorous shills - along with the ever-compliant 'echo chamber' mass media machine.
All of which the common herd swallowed hook, line n sinker as being the truth - along with Dubya Bush's declaration of War on Terror as being in their best interest – even though the reality was a polar opposite.

So forget the hijacked four commercial aircraft scam and box-cutter bullshit - and the 19 imaginary Jolly Jihadist Muslim terrorists, led by Mohammad al Patsy, wielding Pound Shop box cutters – just how did the feral bastard Neo-Con tricksters pull it off?

For a fact this wasn't some cloak and dagger top secret act of treason expedited by a shadowy clique in the dark corners of a Masonic Hall wash room. Oh no siree, it involved hundreds of participants – compartmentalised involvement for sure, but scores would have seen the 'bigger picture' – even the scam sham crisis actors describing what didn't happen.

Well, the Great Satan and the Mil-Ind Cartel (Deep State Empire) has the science and technology – mainly robbed from Nick Tesla – but DARPA have evolved it into something so diabolical, even their Satanic masters over in Tel Aviv, were handing out kudos.

Alaska's Gakona-based HAARP array played a key role, and used to trigger, then spice up, tropical storm Erin into a weather-born death machine hurricane that slogged its way faithfully up from the Caribbean and sat 'good dog stationary' off NY's Long Island on 9/11 – (with nary a breath of wind nor rain falling on Manhattan?) - while the villainous Sith sect anoraks and beardies assigned to the nuclear / high-end energy physics Brookhaven National Laboratory's 'Centre for Functional Nanomaterials' tapped into Erin's limitless electro-magnetic field energy core's nuclear potential - to boost the lab's particle accelerator scalar wave beam to converge with, and superimpose itself - via interferometry phenomenon - with the non-Hertzian standing longitudinal wave being generated inside the South Tower / WTC 2.
Then, following the molecular dissociation of the entire structure to nano-dust, allow a 28 minute 're-charge' period - before initiating the self-same disintegration pattern of North Tower / WTC 1.

The hard core evidence (and perhaps lack of such) is there – or not – for all to see. The molecular dissociation / dustification of Towers 1 and 2 concrete and steel. The sore thumb collateral damage factors – spontaneous combustion of vehicles along the scalar wave's path – and the scores of tipper trucks loaded with topsoil – ready n waiting to go and be spread across the WTC site to contain the after-effects 'fuming'.
Then we have the hole in a field in Wanksville, Pennsylvania – and no UA 93 plane – plus another hole in the side of the Pentagon - and no AA 77 Boeing 757 there either – just a smoke-stained 12 foot breach where a BGM 109 Tomahawk cruise missile slammed into the wall.

Ike warned of the sinister, encroaching nature and profit-driven venal excesses of the Military–Industrial–Congressional Complex (cabal) in his 1961 Presidential 'farewell address' to the nation - with JFK in the process of pulling the MICC's teeth in 1963 – and we all know how that strategy ended rather badly for the do-gooder Camelot presidency in Dealey Plaza on 22/11/63 (occult symbology strikes again).

There's no advanced cryptic quantum algorithms required to determine the deep state Machiavelli copycat scumsters responsible for the 9/11 false flag attacks – primarily aimed to demonise Islam and collectively brand Muslims as potential homicidal jihadists, declare a War on Terror and invade their safe havens / nation states of origin – with the additional bonus function of slapping US citizens in the face with the Patriot Act and the imposition of a control freak TSA / Homeland Security police state.

So will these unaccountable and more to the point – untouchable - elitist pro-Zionist 9/11 Neo-Con 'Dark Side' traitors – Cheney, Bumsfeld, Pearle, Wolfowitz, Abrams, Bremer, Feith, Kristol, Podhoretz, Kagan, Bolton, Chertoff, Shylock J. Quackenbush III – and their Israeli manky Mossad high-fiving Urban Movers men and art students, et al - ever be brought to book and justice for their crimes?

Don't hold your breath, Same as their scumbag predecessors 'WASP establishment' hit on JFK – (courtesy of the 'evil-since-birth' Dulles Brothers who jointly turned lies and deceit into their own unique art form) - 54 years on and the lone gunman scam (Lee Harvey Patsy) is still being bandied as the official line.

What a crock – Kennedy fires CIA head honcho Allen Welsh Dulles – who responds by initiating the Dealey Plaza hit on the President – then has LBJ appoint him to the Warren Commission – a clique hardly comprised of Kennedy fans – who ruled (after 10 months of slack-arsed deliberations) on the single shooter / magic bullet deceit – and hey presto, the guilty are in the clear and it's business as usual for the Mil-Ind / Bankster cabal who pull the Beltway puppet strings – then and now.

Carbon Credits Cap & Trade Offset Exchange (aka Global Warming / Climate Change Pollution Reduction Scam) declaration:
While a hefty score of conscience-stifled Skull n Bones bumboys, noncing Beltway shits, perjurious political ponces, treasonous Neo-Con kleptocrats, bent money-laundering banksters and corruption-ridden porky plods might have become collateral 'fear and alarm' casualties and thrown into paranoid psychosis states of scandalous exposure anxiety attacks - no innocent non-combatant women and kids - and especially so Muslim migrant refugee 'Junior Jihadi' sprogs – or trees, fish, cormorants, bumble bees, small furry 'felcher friendly' sized mammals – ferrets and stoats, voles, moles, white mice, bum rats, chinchillas, hamsters, guinea pigs, gerbils, miniature coypus, dwarf beavers, etcetera, et al – were harmed in posting this insurrectionist Truthsayer epistle.

Conversely, a large number of the NSA - GCHQ / Five Eyes Alliance’s Prism / Tempora / Carnivore / Pegasus / Echelon / X-Keyscore / Evident / SIG-INT I-Spy super snooper ‘Nosy Bastard’ wire-tap / IMSI catchers / eavesdropping / Eco-Giraffe data mining / TOR sniffing / JTRIG / Umbra Ultra-encrypted system’s nasty network electrons on Hubble Bubble Road in EMF smog-bound Cheltenham were shocked into high anxiety states and temporarily inconvenienced by our act of disrespect for political correctness.

So bollocks with a large capital B to political correctness - from here on in this is our legacy - to rip away the Veil of Venus blinkers and awaken people's vigilance against the corrupt establishment's totalitarian COINTELPRO 5 D's (Deceive, Disrupt, Degrade, Destroy n Deny) encroachment - using their eyes and ears - and brains - to say 'what if?' and make that 'consequences be damned' / 'harm's way' / 'who gives a flying fuck' quantum leap to start thinking for 'themselves' and become agents of their own destiny.

No longer accepting and believing the propaganda and lies our corrupt gutter press and biased goggle box telly spew out in a disingenuous politically correct format – or the ruling regime's sinister de facto belief that trans-national kiddie fiddling is a global 'common core' cultural value that should be accepted by a morally-misguided public - and the age of consent lowered to three years – to accommodate their perverted Satanic sexual fetishes.

To conclude, fuck the Devil's demonic Satanás and the crypto-Judahist sayanim scum – along with the Vatican-regime's flabby, maladjusted Masonic / Opus Dei / Jesuit Ninth Circle / Sovereign Order of the Shites of Malta secret handshake psycho-sodomite-felching-pederast-necrophiliac / parabiosis-addicted ruling VIP (Very Important Paedophile) elitist paedocide fraternity – plus their Crapitalist shifty Shylock bankster brethren and their shelf life expired fractional reserve fraudulent and usury-rigged system's zillion % APR mark-ups, toxic credit default swaps, sub-prime whatsit loans and 'bespoke tranche opportunities' (sneakily re-branded CDS).

And let's not forget to cast equal curses upon the tents of Big Brother and his Common Purpose Colombine sister – nor overlooking the 'by Divine Right' parasitic anachronisms referred to as the 'Royal Family' - nor the profit-motivated / money-grubbing Moloch / Mammon worshipping Agenda 21 architects of the Rothshite ZioNazi New World Order Globalisers - the Round Table dog wankers, and their Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission pondscum pals from the Carlyle Group and Kissasser Associates and military-industrial armaments cabal who comprise the elitist ranks of the annual Dildoberger coterie pow-wow – and spin the trans-dimensional reptilian conjured yarn that the tried and tested key to conflict resolution is via more bloody conflict.

Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour 'and' decaffeinated public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.

Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness.
An anti-authoritarian counter-culture alternative opinion blog and free radical alternative media source 'not owned' by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the ultra-racist Edomite Mafia 'Kosher Nostra' bankster crime syndicate - and committed to the relay of open source information – plus 'hopefully' immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence.

(Unless one has the audacity to support the pro-Palestinian BDS campaign and criticise Zionist Israel's human rights abuses and war crimes – or dare mention the dirty dealings of the Met's PPU (Paedophile Protection Unit ) or expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Nottingham's Nasty Paedo Club or Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle arse bandit / Violate BD/SM Club VIP (Very Important Pederast) kiddie fiddling Edinburgh / Balmoral / Crimonmogate / Aberdeen-based cabal – along with their Westminster and Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office / Secret Squirrel Security Services / Plod Squad sodomite - paedo-enablers / cover-up protectors).

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